Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Luke 12.42-48 and Joseph?

Honestly, I'm not so sure that there is anything to this. But, I thought it worth mentioning.

Two posts ago, I wrote: "5. In 12.42, Luke uses the terms 'measures of grain' (sitometrion) where Matthew [...] says 'food' (trophe). I wonder if these measures of grain are temple-oriented. I wonder if the 'grain' of 12.42 corresponds to the 'grain' stored up by the rich fool in 12.18. In both cases, the servants/fool disregard the coming sudden judgment/return in favor of fattening themselves (and, in the case of the servants, beating the other servants)."

Perhaps Jesus' parable in Luke 12.42-48 leans on the narrative of Genesis 45-47, involving Joseph and his brothers.

1. Jesus' stewards were responsible for providing food for the master's therapeias ("household") while the master was away. Genesis 45 tells of Joseph's reconciliation with his brothers. Upon learning of the arrival of Joseph's brothers, Pharaoh and his therapeia were pleased to take care of them during the famine (Gen45.16-20).

2. Jesus' stewards were responsible for distributing sitometrion ("measures of grain/food") to his master's household. In Genesis 47.12, we find Joseph esitometrei ("providing food") for his father, his brothers, and all of his father's household, under Pharaoh's provision (again, Genesis 45.16-20). (See A. Deissmann, Bible Studies, p. 158). [I am yet unable to account for Luke's employment of therapeias while in Genesis 47, regarding Joseph's father's household, we find oikw, and in Genesis 45, regarding Pharaoh's household, we find therapeia.]

Again, I am not sure if there anything significant here. I am inclined to believe that this may be, at very least, an example of what I have termed
unintentional cognitive association. I am learning, however, that if such a phenomenon exists, it is virtually impossible to demonstrate. On the other hand, suggestion may work where demonstration doesn't, though the force of suggestion be inferior.

Copyright 2007

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